Former Defense Department Official Arrested For Taking Cash To Aid Contractor’s Request For $6.4 Million Payment – December 14, 2020 Nizar Farhat was a former construction manager based at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, California…. Read More
Insider Threat Incidents Reports / News
The National Insider Threat Special Interest Group (NITSIG) membership is the largest network (1000+) of Insider Risk Management Professionals in the U.S. and globally. The willingness of our members to collaborate and share information among the membership has been the driving force that has made the NITSIG very successful. The NITSIG Membership is FREE.
The NITSIG in conjunction with the Insider Threat Defense Group (ITDG) have conducted extensive research on the Insider Threat problem for 15+ years. This research has evaluated and analyzed over 5,300+ Insider Threat incidents in the U.S. and globally, that have occurred at organizations of all sizes.
The NITSIG and ITDG maintain the largest public repositories of Insider Threat incidents. These monthly Insider Threat Incidents Reports provide indisputable evidence of how very costly and damaging Insider Threat incidents can be to organizations of all types and sizes. These reports can be found on this page and on this link.
If you would like to be notified when the Insider Threat Incidents Reports are posted, enter your e-mail address in the Subscriptions box on the right of this page.
Insider Threat Incident Postings As Of December 15, 2020
- December 15th, 2020
- Posted in Insider Threat Incidents
- Tags: arrested, bank, banking, behavioral, breach, bribery, bribes, card, care, charged, china, chinese, classified, confidential, corporate, corruption, cost, costs, counterintelligence, credit, critical, cyber, cybersecurity, damages, data, disclosure, embezzle, embezzlement, embezzling, employee, employees, employer, espionage, example, examples, financial, fired, former, fraud, government, group, guilty, health, healthcare, hub, identity, impacts, incident, incidents, indicators, indicted, information, infrastructure, insider, investigation, investigations, management, manager, medicare, mitigation, national, network, nispom, policy, prison, program, research, risk, risks, sabotage, scheme, secret, secrets, security, sensitive, sentenced, steal, stealing, stole, terminated, terrorism, theft, threat, threats, top, trade, trusted, unauthorized, university, violence, wire, workforce, working, workplace
Insider Threat Incident Postings As Of December 7, 2020
- December 7th, 2020
- Posted in Insider Threat Incidents
- Tags: arrested, bank, banking, behavioral, breach, bribery, bribes, card, care, charged, china, chinese, classified, confidential, corporate, corruption, cost, costs, counterintelligence, credit, critical, cyber, cybersecurity, damages, data, disclosure, embezzle, embezzlement, embezzling, employee, employees, employer, espionage, example, examples, financial, fired, former, fraud, government, group, guilty, health, healthcare, hub, identity, impacts, incident, incidents, indicators, indicted, information, infrastructure, insider, investigation, investigations, management, manager, medicare, mitigation, national, network, nispom, policy, prison, program, research, risk, risks, sabotage, scheme, secret, secrets, security, sensitive, sentenced, steal, stealing, stole, terminated, terrorism, theft, threat, threats, top, trade, trusted, unauthorized, university, violence, wire, workforce, working, workplace
Former Supervisor Drug Manufacturer Pleads Guilty To Theft Of Medical Products Valued At $1 Million+ – December 4, 2020 Gregory Settino was the production supervisor of manufacturing at Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in Shirley, New York. In January 2019, Luitpold was… Read More
Insider Threat Incident Postings As Of November 24, 2020
- November 24th, 2020
- Posted in Insider Threat Incidents
- Tags: arrested, bank, banking, behavioral, breach, bribery, bribes, card, care, charged, china, chinese, classified, confidential, corporate, corruption, cost, costs, counterintelligence, credit, critical, cyber, cybersecurity, damages, data, disclosure, embezzle, embezzlement, embezzling, employee, employees, employer, espionage, example, examples, financial, fired, former, fraud, government, group, guilty, health, healthcare, hub, identity, impacts, incident, incidents, indicators, indicted, information, infrastructure, insider, investigation, investigations, management, manager, medicare, mitigation, national, network, nispom, policy, prison, program, research, risk, risks, sabotage, scheme, secret, secrets, security, sensitive, sentenced, steal, stealing, stole, terminated, terrorism, theft, threat, threats, top, trade, trusted, unauthorized, university, violence, wire, workforce, working, workplace
Former Lowe’s Employees Hacked Payroll Data System And Stole Paychecks Totaling $11,790+ – November 20, 2020 Solomon Smith and his co-worker Garrett Sivley used their access at a Lowe’s to redirect paychecks to themselves. Smith was the mastermind of the… Read More
Insider Threat Incident Postings As Of November 11, 2020
- November 11th, 2020
- Posted in Insider Threat Incidents
- Tags: arrested, bank, banking, behavioral, breach, bribery, bribes, card, care, charged, china, chinese, classified, confidential, corporate, corruption, cost, costs, counterintelligence, credit, critical, cyber, cybersecurity, damages, data, disclosure, embezzle, embezzlement, embezzling, employee, employees, employer, espionage, example, examples, financial, fired, former, fraud, government, group, guilty, health, healthcare, hub, identity, impacts, incident, incidents, indicators, indicted, information, infrastructure, insider, investigation, investigations, management, manager, medicare, mitigation, national, network, nispom, policy, prison, program, research, risk, risks, sabotage, scheme, secret, secrets, security, sensitive, sentenced, steal, stealing, stole, terminated, terrorism, theft, threat, threats, top, trade, trusted, unauthorized, university, violence, wire, workforce, working, workplace
Former Bank Employee Charged With Issuing Debit Cards In Names Of Bank Customers, Then Used The Cards For Personal Use – November 9, 2020 Natasha Seetaram formerly worked at the Virgin Islands St. Thomas branch of a bank. She is… Read More
Insider Threat Incident Postings As Of October 31, 2020
- October 31st, 2020
- Posted in Insider Threat Incidents
- Tags: arrested, bank, banking, behavioral, breach, bribery, bribes, card, care, charged, china, chinese, classified, confidential, corporate, corruption, cost, costs, counterintelligence, credit, critical, cyber, cybersecurity, damages, data, disclosure, embezzle, embezzlement, embezzling, employee, employees, employer, espionage, example, examples, financial, fired, former, fraud, government, group, guilty, health, healthcare, hub, identity, impacts, incident, incidents, indicators, indicted, information, infrastructure, insider, investigation, investigations, management, manager, medicare, mitigation, national, network, nispom, policy, prison, program, research, risk, risks, sabotage, scheme, secret, secrets, security, sensitive, sentenced, steal, stealing, stole, terminated, terrorism, theft, threat, threats, top, trade, trusted, unauthorized, university, violence, wire, workforce, working, workplace
Former U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Sentenced To Prison For Bribery Conspiracy With Foreign Defense Contractor Involving 50+ Individuals – October 30, 2020 Brooks Parks, a U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer, is that latest to be sentenced in the wide-ranging… Read More
Insider Threat Incident Postings As Of October 21, 2020
- October 21st, 2020
- Posted in Insider Threat Incidents
- Tags: arrested, bank, banking, behavioral, breach, bribery, bribes, card, care, charged, china, chinese, classified, confidential, corporate, corruption, cost, costs, counterintelligence, credit, critical, cyber, cybersecurity, damages, data, disclosure, embezzle, embezzlement, embezzling, employee, employees, employer, espionage, example, examples, financial, fired, former, fraud, government, group, guilty, health, healthcare, hub, identity, impacts, incident, incidents, indicators, indicted, information, infrastructure, insider, investigation, investigations, management, manager, medicare, mitigation, national, network, nispom, policy, prison, program, research, risk, risks, sabotage, scheme, secret, secrets, security, sensitive, sentenced, steal, stealing, stole, terminated, terrorism, theft, threat, threats, top, trade, trusted, unauthorized, university, violence, wire, workforce, working, workplace
Former Bank Teller Sentenced To Prison For Stealing $79,000+ Over 6 Years – October 21, 2020 Rebecca Teegarden was a bank teller at the First National Bank of Brooksville. Between 2013 and 2019, Teegarden admitted to repeatedly using customers’ names… Read More
Insider Threat Incident Postings As Of October 12, 2020
- October 13th, 2020
- Posted in Insider Threat Incidents
- Tags: arrested, bank, banking, behavioral, breach, bribery, bribes, card, care, charged, china, chinese, classified, confidential, corporate, corruption, cost, costs, counterintelligence, credit, critical, cyber, cybersecurity, damages, data, disclosure, embezzle, embezzlement, embezzling, employee, employees, employer, espionage, example, examples, financial, fired, former, fraud, government, group, guilty, health, healthcare, hub, identity, impacts, incident, incidents, indicators, indicted, information, infrastructure, insider, investigation, investigations, management, manager, medicare, mitigation, national, network, nispom, policy, prison, program, research, risk, risks, sabotage, scheme, secret, secrets, security, sensitive, sentenced, steal, stealing, stole, terminated, terrorism, theft, threat, threats, top, trade, trusted, unauthorized, university, violence, wire, workforce, working, workplace
Flight Attendant Sentenced To Prison For Smuggling Heroin To Pay For Daughter’s Medical Bills – October 9, 2020 A Malaysian flight attendant who funded her ailing daughter’s medical treatments by stuffing heroin into her underwear and smuggling it into Australia… Read More
Insider Threat Incident Postings As Of September 27, 2020
- September 27th, 2020
- Posted in Insider Threat Incidents
- Tags: arrested, bank, banking, behavioral, breach, bribery, bribes, card, care, charged, china, chinese, classified, confidential, corporate, corruption, cost, costs, counterintelligence, credit, critical, cyber, cybersecurity, damages, data, disclosure, embezzle, embezzlement, embezzling, employee, employees, employer, espionage, example, examples, financial, fired, former, fraud, government, group, guilty, health, healthcare, hub, identity, impacts, incident, incidents, indicators, indicted, information, infrastructure, insider, investigation, investigations, management, manager, medicare, mitigation, national, network, nispom, policy, prison, program, research, risk, risks, sabotage, scheme, secret, secrets, security, sensitive, sentenced, steal, stealing, stole, terminated, terrorism, theft, threat, threats, top, trade, trusted, unauthorized, university, violence, wire, workforce, working, workplace
Former City Clerk Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison For Money Laundering Conspiracy – September 25, 2020 Kristy Conn pleaded guilty on Nov. 1, 2019, to conspiracy to commit money laundering. Conn admitted that she participated in the money-laundering conspiracy… Read More
Insider Threat Incident Postings As Of September 21, 2020
- September 21st, 2020
- Posted in Insider Threat Incidents
- Tags: arrested, bank, banking, behavioral, breach, bribery, bribes, card, care, charged, china, chinese, classified, confidential, corporate, corruption, cost, costs, counterintelligence, credit, critical, cyber, cybersecurity, damages, data, disclosure, embezzle, embezzlement, embezzling, employee, employees, employer, espionage, example, examples, financial, fired, former, fraud, government, group, guilty, health, healthcare, hub, identity, incident, incidents, indicators, indicted, information, infrastructure, insider, insiderthreat, management, manager, medicare, mitigation, national, network, nispom, policy, prison, program, research, risk, risks, sabotage, scheme, secret, secrets, security, sensitive, sentenced, steal, stealing, stole, terminated, terrorism, theft, threat, threats, top, trade, tradesecrets, trusted, unauthorized, university, violence, wire, workforce, working, workplace
Former Bookkeeper Sentenced To Prison For Embezzling $370,000 From Employer – September 18, 2020 From approximately August 2016 to August 2018, Lydia Cabrera was employed by A2Z Home Medical Supplies (A2Z) as a bookkeeper. As part of her job responsibilities,… Read More
Insider Threat Incident Postings As Of September 13, 2020
- September 13th, 2020
- Posted in Insider Threat Incidents
- Tags: arrested, bank, banking, behavioral, breach, bribery, bribes, card, care, charged, china, chinese, classified, confidential, corporate, corruption, cost, costs, counterintelligence, credit, critical, cyber, cybersecurity, damages, data, disclosure, embezzle, embezzlement, embezzling, employee, employees, employer, espionage, example, examples, financial, fired, former, fraud, government, group, guilty, health, healthcare, hub, identity, incident, incidents, indicators, indicted, information, infrastructure, insider, management, manager, medicare, mitigation, national, network, nispom, policy, prison, program, research, risk, risks, sabotage, scheme, secret, secrets, security, sensitive, sentenced, steal, stealing, stole, terminated, terrorism, theft, threat, threats, top, trade, tradesecrets, trusted, unauthorized, university, violence, wire, workforce, working, workplace
Former Employee Sentenced To Prison For Making $460,000+ Of Unauthorized Company Credit Card Charges – September 11, 2020 Sheri Jelinek was an employee at the Iowa City Area Development Group (ICAD) from 2003 until January of 2017. After leaving her… Read More